Notes from a Drama Queen

More Blitzing

Sunday, February 28, 2010

20 pages. And not even a nap. I paused long enough to watch the hockey game (Oh, Canada!) and even ran a crapload of vegetable through the food processor so Richie could make mega pasta sauce. I loaded software into my computer, scanned and cropped five pictures of my recently deceased MIL, typed in the changes to her obit and send everything off to the funeral home.
And then went back to work.

Another 20 pages, guys. I really rock!

Day 3 of The Blitz

Saturday, February 27, 2010

So, magnificent creature that I am, I wrote eleven pages, visited The Mother, came back, wrote a bit more, took a nap, watched my tivo'd skating, then came back and wrote more. A total of 23 pages, so that makes up for the 18 yesterday and puts me one ahead!

I am the Iron Maiden.

Best Laid Plans

Friday, February 26, 2010

Well, they oft go aglay or however Robert Burns put it (and I, a Scot, should know -- shame on me).
I got up, went straight to the computer and did a fast 18 pages. Then realized I felt like crap. Dragged myself down to see my mother (because she's 95 and I'm all she has and I'm a Good Girl) and called the health center for her appointments and then realized I might have a low grade bladder infection. So they said "come on down" and I did, but they made me wait an hour and a half when all you have to do is pee in a cup and get a prescription, so I finally walked out, went home and went to sleep. Woke up to the message that yes, I do have an infection, they called in the prescription. Richie was home by then, and we were having a dinner party at Uncle Bill's in honor of Richie's mother, who died on Sunday, and he was already late. So I sent him on ahead, dragged my sorry ass to the drug store (7 miles away -- I live in the boonies), then went on to Uncle Bill's for an hour and now I'm home.
Two more pages for my minimum, but I feel like I got hit by a truck.
Still, 18 pages for such a day ain't too shabby.

Now how was I going to reward myself? A half hour of sewing isn't too appealing right now .

Onward and upward!

Oh ... My ... God

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I realize I've been wretched about posting, but I hate to natter on without a good reason. Now I've got a reason.

I just realized I have to write at least 335 pages between now and March 15. That's an average of twenty pages a day. Then, when I'm finished that I have to write a proposal and a ten thousand word novelette by March 31. And then I have to write a 75k book by June 1st or DIE.

Was I out of my mind when I agreed to this? It all seemed do-able. I'm in a white hot blaze to write -- I'd love an ivory tower with room service and occasional husband delivery when I'm feeling randy.

But unfortunately life gets in the way. Nevertheless, some things are really not negotiable.

I've just revised the first 165 pages of the historical. Tomorrow, if I'm really really lucky, I could push it to two hundred, half done, and I'd feel more like the Superwoman that I am.

Unfortunately my elderly MIL just died and we're having a family dinner (pray God I don't have to cook) tomorrow night, so all this work has to be done in the day and after we get home. So maybe I can't do it.

But I sure as hell can do my 20 pages.

I'll be giving updates. Maybe come up with punishments and rewards. Punishment if I don't make my 20 pages (like no internet for the day). I have to watch food rewards -- therein lies disaster.

Anyone have any good ideas? Maybe fine myself for off days and then use the money for treats?

But how would that work? If I work I wouldn't have any rewards, so it would encourage me not to work.

I'm so confused.

Who has some suggestions? Maybe I can sew for half an hour if I do my 20 pages? That would be good. And I could put a $5 in a bowl every day I do my work and accrue treat money that way.


OK, my engines are idling, ready for the first charge.
